V E N D O R I N F O R M A T I O N -------------------------------------- This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors, CD-ROM Vendors and BBS SYSOPs who wish to distribute the shareware version 1.0 of WISDOM OF THE AGES for Windows. Please see the FILE_ID.DIZ for a short program description; and CATALOG.TXT for longer program description. -------------------------------------- Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors, CD-ROM Vendors and BBS SYSOPs are granted permission to copy these MCR Software disk(s) only under the following conditions. Any exceptions to these conditions must be received in writing from MCR Software, 6116 Merced Ave. #81, Oakland, CA, Phone: 510-763-9134, Fax: 510-444-6561, Compuserve 73327,1172. A. You can only distribute the shareware version of WISDOM OF THE AGES for Windows if you: 1. Market it as shareware using "try before you buy" or similar words. 2. Try to sell only the most current version of it. 3. Distribute the complete Program, including all of its related files, each in compressed or other format in its original unmodified state, as released by MCR. B. You can charge a disk copying fee for the cost of media, shipping and handling provided it does not exceed $9.00 per disk or $18.00 total. C. You cannot sell or distribute this program in connection with or as part of some more inclusive product or service. Nor can you rent, lease, abridge or otherwise modify this program. D. You cannot sell this program in multiple retail locations without a written royalty contract from us. Nor can you sell to distributors, sublicense or otherwise cause this program to be sold in multiple retail locations without a written royalty contract from us. Liquidated damages for unauthorized sales in multiple retail locations shall not be less than $2.00 for each copy of the program sold to the end user. E. OWNERSHIP: Except to the extent expressly licensed by us, we have and reserve the exclusive copyright and other rights, title and interest to distribute the Program and all earlier versions of it, and the right to use the Trademark in connection with them. F. TERM: This License terminates upon 30 days prior written notice by either of us to the other. If terminated by us by such written notice, you may distribute the Program until the earlier of 30 days after the termination date in the notice, or completion of the distribution of the copies you have in stock. Sections E, G and H will survive the termination of this License. G. THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS-IS". NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE MADE AS TO IT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON. WE WILL PROVIDE NO REMEDY FOR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM IT, INCLUDING SUCH FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, EVEN AFTER NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. H. MISCELLANY 1. Since we would be irreparably damaged if Section A, B, C, D or E of this License were not specifically enforced, we will be entitled without bond, other security or proof of damages, to appropriate equitable remedies with respect to breaches of such sections, in addition to such other remedies as we may have. 2. You will hold us, our partners, contractors, employees and agents harmless from damage, loss and expense arising directly or indirectly from your acts and omissions in copying and distributing the Program. 3. With respect to every matter arising under this License, you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts sitting in Oakland, California, and to service by certified mail, return receipt requested, or as otherwise permitted by law. (V.931212)